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Acta Neurophysiologica (ANPL) ISSN: 2996-7554

Current Issue - Volume 5 Issue 4

Menopausal Transitions and Quality of Life: The Impact of Work Status

Sainudheen S*, Zebukumar N and Arun R
Research Article

NOCEBO: From Anaesthesiologists Viewpoint

Samidha Waradkar Thakur and Abinav Sarvesh SPS*
Letter to Editor

Relationship of Emotional Intelligence Levels and Academic Achievement on Preclinical Dentistry Students

Balatbat JEF, Fernandez LFM, Marabe XNS, Profeta PMC, Tayson NAA, Co EU and Colina TC*
Research Article

Distress Tolerance: A Comparative Study Before and after the Practice of Yoga

Madhava Chandran K*, Unniraman P, Unnikrishnan KK, Sathiyan C and Sai Prakash MT
Research Article

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