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Ethics Policy

Academic Strive, our commitment to ethical conduct is our ultimate goal throughout the full publication process. We are set to maintain the high level of transparency, integrity, and fairness in all the functions that concern our five departments.

Core Principles

  • Integrity and Accuracy: Values the truthfulness of scholarly research. All the articles that are printed must be genuine and free of any fabrication, falsehood, or plagiarism. Our promise is to make sure that the research published is an honest presentation of the authors work.
  • Transparency: If a conflict of interest occurs authors should reveal it. Every source of money is to be openly told in order to keep up with the transparency with our readers.
  • Confidentiality: We are very much alive to the fact of the confidentiality of all those involved in the publication process. Manuscripts and review comments are confidential. Disclosure to third parties other than the recipient is prohibited unless properly consented.

Responsibilities of Authors

  • Originality: Authors are responsible for checking their submissions and making sure they are not plagiarized or from the already existing literature. Citing of sources is an obligatory part of the whole research process.
  • Data Accessibility: It is incumbent on authors to make sure that they can open the data that is used to support their research. Data must be locked up safely and ready for inspection when required.
  • Ethical Compliance: Research work which is related to human or animal subjects must strictly adhere to ethical guidelines and should have gotten all the necessary consents. Authors must be able to provide their informed consent for participation.
  • Unbiased Objectivity: The reviewers need to give objective feedback on the submitted manuscripts which are free from personal biases. Their criticisms should be regulation-abiding and evidentially supported.
  • Timely Reviewers: Reviewers must go through the turned in papers and send the professor evaluations within a reasonable time. If you can't do the review, let the editor know as soon as possible.
  • Keeping the Manuscript Secret: Review manuscripts are not for public viewing. Reviewers should neither make practical use of the content nor let the contents be used for non-academic purposes.

Responsibilities of Editors

  • Fairness and Objectivity: Editors have a responsibility to be impartial and have strong moral principles and values on which, they base their decisions regarding quality ðics of the manuscript.
  • Conflict of Interest: Editors ought to refrain from any conflict of interest issues and inform the publisher about any potential conflicts with the manuscripts covering.
  • Corrections and Retractions: In case there are findings of errors after publication, authors and their employers are responsible for prompt removal or correction of the article during the review process.Editors have not caused the mistakes; rather these have already existed at the time of the submission and the inception of the publishing process. They do not edit out plagiarism intentionally; rather, they correct the authors' work and the errors in the process of editing.

Publisher's Role

  • Upholding Standards: The publisher ensures that all aspects of the publishing process adhere to ethical standards. This will include removal, if needed, of papers were ethical standards are not met.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: At Academic Strive, we do not recurse discrimination to any personal characteristics such as age, race, gender, and religion or others. Instead, we tend to create an environment that is open and were differences are celebrated.

Academic Strive is unbendingly committed to upholding and adhering to highest the ethical standards to the integrity of based research and the guarantee of the trust of our reader.

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