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Associate Editor Guidelines

Peer Review system is a crucial for quality of research, scientific validation and publication. The main aim of Academic Strive is to bring valuable, best quality scientific research information to its viewers. To accomplish this, following are the Associate Editors guidelines

  • The Associate Editors along with Editors are responsible for peer review process of the manuscripts to publish high quality manuscripts.
  • Associate Editors should contribute to Journal development through generous relationship with other board members.
  • Articles are assigned to Associate Editors based on their research interest and can review the submitted manuscripts at their feasible time only. In case of busy work schedule, they can directly inform to the editorial office that enables to assign the article to other Associate Editors having similar research interest or they can suggest other reviewers.
  • There is no limit for the Associate Editors to review the articles. It solely depends on their involvement & time feasibility.
  • Associate Editors should encourage timely contribution of the manuscripts to uphold the frequency of issue release and Journal's performance.
  • Associate Editors should ensure the protection of individual data and maintain confidentiality. While considering case reports and patient photographs, it is always suggested to obtain informed consent in written format.

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