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Reviewer Guidelines

The originality of scientific article depends on effective peer review. To accomplish this, reviewers play a significant role in publishing. A researcher with a qualification of PhD level (or equivalent) or above in a relevant field and has publications in peer-reviewed journals are selected as reviewers.

Reviewers are not expected to rewrite a paper but have the responsibility of providing genuine and positive review comments about the presented manuscripts, where review comments are very important factors for Editors to make a decision on the manuscript.

The Reviewer should have the proficiency to carry the peer reviewing process by himself.

  • After receiving the invitation, one can inform us his opinion of accepting or declining the invitation. If you are unable to accept the invitation you can refer any of your colleagues, so that respective editor may invite that person to review and you may not transfer your invitation.
  • Articles are assigned based on the research interests of the reviewer. If the manuscript is beyond their expertise, reviewer can intimate the same to the assigned editorial office.
  • Reviewers should review the manuscript within the provided timeline in order to facilitate timely completion of the review process.
  • The Reviewers should protect the secrecy of the manuscript. He has no rights to disclose any information presented in the manuscript and requests not to use the information of the manuscript for their own use.
  • Reviewers need to remember that the ultimate decision to accept or reject will depend upon the comments from the editor.

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