Land degradation is the effect of different interaction among, physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic activities at global level. It affects country economy and also has much negative consequence on agricultural product by reducing the fertility of agricultural land. The global store of arable land and grazing land continuous to decline through unsustainable agriculture practices, urbanization and deforestation, while, significant portion of the remaining arable land and grazing land is under considerable pressure from compaction by livestock and farm implements, over use of fertilizers and pesticides, Salinization, alkalization or acidification depletion of nutrients, water and wind erosion, deterioration of drainage. The speed of land degradation is high due to, Poor managements of land, poor tillage operation on the land, and the prospective of the community about the consequences of land degradation on agricultural productivity, Lack of farmers understanding about the main biological, physical and mechanical methods of land conservation. The agricultural impacts of land degradation are, loss of soil nutrient, removal of soil, reduction of crop production, silting up of reservoir and It also contributes to persistent poverty, and results in decreasing ecosystem rehabilitation and provision of environmental services. Additionally, environmental decline due to land degradation also affects the health, well-being and livelihood opportunities of the individuals
Agricultural Impacts; Poor Managements; Urbanization