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Advances in Agricultural Technology & Plant Sciences (AATPS) ISSN: 2640-6586

Advances in Agricultural Technology & Plant Sciences (AATPS) is a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, publishes high-quality original research representing complete research advances in all aspects of agriculture technology and plant science. AATPS provide botanists, researchers, scientists, scholars and academicians with a platform to publish their research work and update the recent advances in all areas related to agriculture and plant science. The AATPS aims to publish most reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, opinions, perspectives, etc. in all areas of advances in agricultural field.

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Prevalence of Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis in Cattle in and around Rewa, Madhya Pradesh

Khan S, Gajbhiye S*, Dixit P and Kumar Singh S#
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Relationship Between Nematodes and Fungi for Biological Control: Review

Naji Hassan Z, Shaker Kadhim Al-Timimi L and Abdul Azeez Shafeeq M*
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Medicinal Properties of Neem: A Review

Dash A*, Dutta AK, Sahu S and Sahoo M
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OUAT Kalinga Rice 8 (Suryashree): A New Heat Tolerant Cultivar for Odisha

Ranjith P*, Naik BS, Mohapatra S, Pal R, Seni A and Biswasi S
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