Journal of Current Research in Otolaryngology ISSN: 3065-6974
Case Report
Evaluation of Cochlear Implant Outcome Using Categories of Auditory Performance Ii in Inner Ear Malformations Patients
Published: 2019-03-14


Background: Cochlear implants are used for patient in severe to profound sensor neural hearing loss, where hearing aids no longer could help. Mostly patient with inner ear malformations are suffering from severe to profound sensor neural hearing loss. An Inner ear mal formation occurs in about 20% cases of congenital sensor neural hearing loss. Whether or not the patients with inner ear malformations have cochlear nerve are considered difficult subjects because it will affect the ability of speech perception after cochlear implantation. Hearing ability and speech development of patients with inner ear malformations after cochlear implants are various. Objective: To report three cases of inner ear malformations which one of the cases was cochlear nerve aplasia that cochlear implants have been used. Method: Evaluation of patients after cochlear implant was assessed by using Categories of Auditory Performance II. Result: The categories of Auditory Performance II were 8 and 6 consecutively in the first and second case after 2 years of cochlear implant. The third case was assessed a year after cochlear implantation and the result was 5. Conclusion: It was reported that three cases of inner ear malformations which cochlear implants have been used was compatible and have good result in Categories of Auditory Performance II.


Inner Ear Malformations; Cochlear Implant; Categories of Auditory Performance Ii