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Journal of Current Research in Otolaryngology (JCRO) ISSN: 3065-6974

Journal of Current Research in Otolaryngology (JCRO) is an open access, peer reviewed journal which publishes innovative research findings, ethical, medical, clinically relevant information in the area of Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose, and Throat research) that can be used by otolaryngologists, clinicians, scientists, researchers and specialists to widen their knowledge and to improve quality of patient care and public health. The Journal is driven with a strong desire to provide information on current research and advances in the field of Otolaryngology. This Journal covers complete area of otolaryngology starting from prevention of diseases, diagnosis and treatment. The journal welcomes high quality innovative most-advanced articles and provides a platform to publish distinct type of articles in the mode of original research article, review articles, mini reviews, case reports, short communications, editorials and opinion articles in all clinical aspects of the auditory and vestibular system and diseases of the ear.

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