Advances in Agricultural Technology & Plant Sciences ISSN: 2640-6586
Research Article
Climate Resilient Technologies for Enhancing Groundnut Productivity Under Rainfed Conditions
Published: 2025-01-02


Groundnut, as “King of Oilseeds,” is one of the third largest oilseeds produced in the world and second largest in India. India is the largest cultivator of groundnut crop in the world in terms of acreage; low yields kept it in second place in terms of output. The climate resilient technologies such as varieties, sowing equipment, intercropping systems, insitu and exsitu rainwater management, weed management, nutrient management, drought management, integrated farming systems, pest management, and harvesting of groundnut were presented and discussed in this paper. Sowing with mechanized Anantha planters during June to July with improved varieties, 20mm supplemental irrigation and foliar spray 0.5% KNo3 during dry spells, soil test-based fertilizer application, intercultivation and leaf miner control with pheromone traps, and integrated farming systems increase the productivity of groundnut in rainfed areas of India.


Groundnut; Rain Water Management; Nutrient Management; Inter Cropping Systems and Farming Systems