Journal of Ocular Sciences and Ophthalmology ISSN: 2998-1476
Research Article
To Compare and Evaluate Visual Reaction Time and Eye and Hand Coordination in Cricketers and Non-Cricketers
Published: 2024-12-03


This study aims to compare and evaluate visual reaction time and Eye and Hand Coordination in cricketers and non-cricketers. Objectives: To study visual reaction time and eye and hand coordination in cricketers and to compare the same of cricketers with non-cricketers and to understand the effect of cricket playing on vision. Methodology: For assessment of visual reaction time participants were instructed and tested with reaction time measuring PEBL software wherein they were asked to press button ‘X’ when they see letter ‘X’ appearing on the screen. While performing the above test, participants were instructed not to talk or leave the laptop screen prior to test completion. For measuring visual reaction time participants were given some break in between each test which included total of 4 sets of test in a single test. For assessing Eye and Hand Coordination participants were given a soft MONTEX cricket ball and were instructed to catch the ball with opposite hand every time they aim the ball on wall in front of them with right hand or vice-versa and they were instructed to continuously aim the ball on the wall and catch it with the opposite hand for about 3 minutes. Here in this test successful catches were counted excluding the dropped/ missed catches. Participants were instructed to stand in front of a wall so that they can aim the ball on wall and catch it. Results: 150 healthy participants in the age group of 14-60 years who met our inclusion criteria were recruited. Of the 150 participants, 75were cricketers and 75 were non-cricketers, while 80 were male and 70 were female. Statistical analysis was performed on SPSS software, and test results were compared using Man Whitney U- Test (Man Whitney U- Test was used since data was not normally distributed), which showed significant results. Significant results are indicated by a p value < 0.05. A significant difference in reaction time (p value = 0.01) and number of catches (p = 0.000) was observed between cricketers and non-cricketers. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the number of catches and reaction time of cricketers and non-cricketers. This shows that knowledge of cricket has an effect on visual reaction time and an increase in the number of catches.


Visual Reaction Time; Eye and Hand Coordination; Cricketers