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Journal of Ocular Sciences and Ophthalmology (JOSO) ISSN: 2998-1476

Journal of Ocular Sciences and Ophthalmology (JOSO) is an open access, peer reviewed, international journal acts as a platform to the entire ophthalmologist to share their current news, information and research in all topics of ophthalmology, ocular and visual sciences. The main aim of the journal is to promote the discoveries and the current advancement in the field of eye as a high quality original articles, reviews, editorials, case reports and letters to the editor, etc.

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Exploring the Impact of Dietary Factors on Glaucoma Outcomes

Hosseini Imeni SM*, Zare M, Shajirat N, Ghasemi A and Taleb MK
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Comparison of Photochromic Vs Non-Photochromic Contact Lenses in Indoor and Outdoor Conditions

Kalyani Balakrishnan*, Prem Sudhakar L and Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan
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