Background: Plantar Fasciitis (PF), one of the major causes of heel pain, is symptomatically correlated with the Siddha diagnostic term Kuthikaal Vatham. It is mostly seen in obese patients, those with standing occupation or any injury in heel area and is characterized with intense pain especially the first few steps in the morning often persisting for months. Methods: The present study was conducted in Chakrasiddh OPD. A total of 40 patients between 18 and 50 years age with the complaint of painful heel were selected and were ranmdomly divided into two groups of 20 each. Group A (experimental group) were subjected to Siddha varmam therapy incorporating marma chikitsa (Energy sessions) and Group B (control group) were continued with standard conservative care (NSAID’s) for 18 days. Both groups were assessed by the VAS for pain perception and Functional foot index (FFI) of ankle joints before and after intervention of treatment. The intervention outcomes measured pain, mobility and functionality, assessed at baseline and after the treatment period. Statistical analysis of the data was done by using a paired t-test and independent t-test. The probability level or p-value for statistically significant differences was set at p
Plantar Fasciitis; Kuthikaal Vatham; Varmam Therapy; Energy Medicine; Pain Management