Journal of Ocular Sciences and Ophthalmology ISSN: 2998-1476
Case Report
The Efficacy of Steroidal Therapy on Solitary Sarcoid Choroid Granuloma
Published: 2024-07-18


Choroidal granuloma presenting with solitary choroidal lesion with ocular signs and intraocular inflammation is majorly associated with systemic disease. The case presented an Asian middle-aged female with the ocular sign of a solitary small choroidal lesion. Ocular and physical examinations with serum tests were used as prime diagnostic tools to tackle the disease as acute uveitis sarcoid. B-scan ultrasonography was the only diagnostic test that showed the choroidal small mass elevation. The effect of systemic steroidal therapy improved visual acuity and the appearance of lesions.


Ocular Dextrus; Ocular Sinister; Posterior Subcapsular Cataract