Journal of Ocular Sciences and Ophthalmology ISSN: 2998-1476
Research Article
Perception of Eye Health in Teachers and Children’s in District Mardan Pakistan
Published: 2024-07-10


Aim: Perception of eye health in teachers and children and how to improve. Method: Subjects were recruited at government schools of district Mardan Pakistan. Willing teachers & children were included in the study. Data collection was carried out by using close ended Questionnaire. Results: More than half of the teachers have good knowledge about diseased eye like 63.68% believed that painful eye is diseased eye but mostly students have lack of knowledge about diseased eye like only 5 % believed that painful eye is not a diseased eye. Almost all students and teachers have awareness about trauma. Mostly students and teachers don’t have misconception like in cause of foreign body sensation should only wash the eye with water. Conclusion: Most of the students had less awareness about eye health. There were also certain misconceptions about eye health in teachers like bright light can’t cause injury so there is need of technical and educational session about eye health in schools so our school teachers could play an important role as primary eye health care workers in community.


Perception; Trauma; Misconceptions