Cyber bullying is recognized as a crime committed on the Internet that causes psychological damage. Many have been victims of cyber harassment without realizing the extent of the violence committed against them. Some of them are scarred for life when others end their lives. It is a crime of collateral damage to kill a person socially, psychologically and indirectly, financially with the help of the Internet. But a crime that is not punished at the fair value of the evils suffered by the victims and their families. If death is not measurable in cybercrime as in crime, it nevertheless exists in different forms, as cyber bullying. Moreover, the behavior of some profiles using the digital environment to commit their crimes is changing, as I have mentioned in my previous publications [1-5], theories and books "Net- profiling", Transition Editions, Oct. 2018 and "Net-profiling: Behavioral Analysis of Cybercriminals", Amazon Editions, Oct. 2015 [6]. Is not cyber bullying considered as bullying? What are the behavioral differences between the real world and virtual space? Are the victims’ feelings more important in real space than in virtual space? Net-profiling makes it possible to understand victimology in cyberspace and to analyze the behavior of cyber criminals close to some of my theories as "Avatarization".
Net-profiling; Cyber bullying; Bullying; Cyber criminality; Behavioral differentiation; Avatarization; Victimology