Journal of Criminology and Forensic Studies ISSN: 2640-6578
Review Article
Crises in African States the African Union Grips or Drips? The Case of Selected Countries
Published: 2018-09-27


Objective: This paper seeks to locate the AU’s potential to grip the African crises and preclude a drip down with the continent in failure. Importance: The study enables the AU’s leadership and member states to reflect and introspect with a view to meeting the African crises head on in preparation for a bright Africa for posterity. Methodology: Informed by the constructivist research philosophy a content analysis is done to review selected cases. Findings: About fifteen years after the formation of the AU it is perceived as a club of African Heads of States and government with some not legitimately elected oligarchs. While it shares a relatively similar name and structures with the EU, the AU’s environment and historical background locate it in circumstances that make it completely different. Although the institution is loaded with the potential to save Africa from its political and economic conundrum there is an absolute need for inclusive triangular engagement. Conclusion: The present scenario in which only leadership from the ruling parties discuss AU business does not provide any glimmer of hope because critical issues are overshadowed by aspects to preserve and perpetuate longevity in power. This reduces the continental body to a club of political elites seeking ways to continue in power in a veiled manner that may never extricate member states from the present sorry state in which they are. Recommendation: The study recommends that, the political leadership, civil society and citizens in the member states must create a platform where issues are discussed openly and frankly about the direction which AU must take. The political leadership must include those from the ruling parties and opposition parties


African crisis; African union; O.A.U; Constitutive act