We all too often hear in the media of a sexual assault or rape that occurred on the campus of a high school, college or university, or occurring during a sanctioned or unsanctioned event such as a gathering or party. All too often nothing comes from the criminal complaint. Some campuses refuse to acknowledge and take serious claims of sexual assault or rape until the media turns up the heat. The role of alcohol in a sexual assault or rape is often misunderstood. An intoxicated sex offender is aware of what he/she is doing and makes a conscious decision to rape, whether sober or intoxicated. Additionally, blackouts are relatively rare, with almost all sex offenders able to recall their offense behavior when in treatment, of course after criminal conviction. Blackouts conveniently occur when confronted about a wrong doing. The motivations for sexual assault and rape are discussed, with the primary motivations being power, control, anger, and revenge. Lastly, I re-coin the term violent personality because sex offenders tend to have a history of violent behavior aside from their sex offender behavior. Also, the factors that sex offenders share as a group are the same as those of other violent criminals.