A field experiment was conducted at Adisaptagram Block Seed Farm in Hooghly, West Bengal, in two consecutive years with the goal of developing a fuzzy linear regression model that used crisp input/output to investigate the relationship between tuber yield (response variable) and its attributing characters (explanatory variables) to assess the mode. Tanaka proposed that the Fuzzy linear regression model be employed in this research, which is based on a linear programming problem to estimate the regression coefficient as a fuzzy integer. When evaluating the Fuzzy linear regression model to the normal multiple linear egression model, the width prediction interval and average width, which are considered as model accuracy for both models, are used. The projected interval computed using the Fuzzy linear regression model has a much narrower average width when compared to the method of least squares. The most important takeaway from this research is that fuzzy linear regression is the best method for determining the relationship between tuber yield and the factors that affect it.
Fuzzy Linear Regression; Multiple Linear Regression; Tuber Yield