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Current Trends in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials (CTPCT) ISSN: 2642-0848

Current Issue - Volume 7 Issue 2

Contrast Agents, Radiodiagnostics-Radiodrugs and AI Implications- A Key Reading for a Complex World

Luisetto M*, Edbey K, Hamid GA, Rasool MG, Rinaldi G, Ferraiuolo A, Fiazza C, Cabianca L, Latyshev OYU
Research Article

Cisplatin’s Silver Lining: The Potential of Curcumin as A Mitigating Agent

Pathak A, Tiwari A, Mishra B*, Kumar Yadav A, Khan SA and Ruchi
Review Article

Niosomes: A Short Review

Gunda RK*, Kumar JNS, Anjali VN, Madhuri YR, Renuka TA and Amulya R
Mini Review

Heavy Metals Accumulation and its Effects on Humans Health

Kotasthane T*, Chandak R and Padhatare D
Review Article

Budesonide – Oral Galenic Formulations for Chron’s Disease

Luisetto M*, Mashori GR, Cabianca L and Latyshev OYU
Review Article

Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICPAES)

Akram M*, Yasmeen J, Iqbal Z, Ishaque M, Noor R, Rehman N, Rehman U, Afshan N, Rashid A, Pérez-Jorge D, Khan FS, Iftikhar M, Ozdemir FA, Sołowski G, Sfera A, Kabir A, ur Rehman S, Zafar A, Kusuma HS and Sundleen
Mini Review

Role of Prolotherapy in Wound Bed Preparation of Non-Healing Ulcer

Swetha M, Chittori RK* and Kumar RV
Research Article

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