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Clinical Journal of Diabetes Care and Control (CJDCC) ISSN: 2642-0872

Volume 6 Issue 2


Ahsan M, Akram M*, Iftikhar M, Rehman TU, Garcia-Sierra F, Al-Malki RS, Ozdemir FA, Solowski G, Fitria N, Altable M and Sfera A
Mini Review

Glycolysis and Enzyme Deficiency Diseases: Understanding Metabolic Disruptions

Akram M*, Rashid A, Perez-Jorge D, Khan FS, Iftikhar M, Tutar Y, Garcia-Sierra F, Al-Malki RS, Ozdemir FA, Solowski G, Fitria N, Altable M, Sfera A, Brogi S and Soonmin H
Short Communication

Role of Digital Planimetry in Management of Scald Burns

Swetha M, Chittoria RK* and Kumar RV
Research Article

A Short Story: Negative Effects of Pesticides on Human Health

Noor H*, Gul K and Bilal KUN
Short Communication

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