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Clinical Journal of Diabetes Care and Control (CJDCC) ISSN: 2642-0872

Clinical Journal of Diabetes Care and Control (CJDCC) is a peer reviewed, online open access journal which deals with scientific information on the latest developments of diabetes. CJDCC publishes articles of basic and clinical studies focusing on areas such as Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes Cholesterol, Drugs for Diabetes, etc. in the form of high quality original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, opinions, Letter to Editor. It acts as a forum for health-care providers and clinically oriented researchers that aim to publish work pertaining to Diabetes.

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Latest Articles

Metabolic Control and Disease Complications in Type 2 Diabetes as a Function of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Severity

Mattera E Gentile S, Guarino G, Satta E, Chiarello M, Caccavale G, Monda VM, Marfella R and Strollo F*
Research Article

A Short Story: Negative Effects of Pesticides on Human Health

Noor H*, Gul K and Bilal KUN
Short Communication

Role of Digital Planimetry in Management of Scald Burns

Swetha M, Chittoria RK* and Kumar RV
Research Article

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