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Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal (ANPCIJ) ISSN: 2642-0147

Articles in Press - Volume 7 Issue 1

Bacterial Vaginosis during Reproductive Age

Gouda ADK 1* and Al Ghadeer H
Review Article

Promoting Healthy Futures: Measuring the Impact of Maternal Factors on Low Birth Weight in Rural Tribal Areas of Gujarat

Vishwakarma D*, Aravind AJ , Patel R, Deshmukh A, Thakre A and Raut S
Research Article

Patient Safety Culture in Acute Psychiatric Hospitals

Thomas ES and Sarfraz MA*
Research Article

Dietary Pattern and Onset of Menarche among High School Students - A Correlational Study

Greeshma KC, Senthilkumar T*, Johnson LK, Babu A, Sunil AM, Shaji A, Sabu K and Salima NM
Research Article

Knowledge Regarding Patient Safety in Operation Theatre among Operating Room Nurses: A Descriptive Study

Joseph A*, George RP, Philipose BT, Biju DT, Depu DA, Roy DJ, Jojo D, Thomas E, Babu F and Shaji SE
Research Article

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