Divorce is the formal termination of the relationship between a married woman and a man. As it is known, divorce is a situation that affects both sides both negatively and positively. Generally, the focus is on the difficulties experienced by women in society. Even in the studies carried out, this situation is parallel. However, this article will focus on the difficulties experienced by men after divorce. First of all, the psychological and relational problems experienced by divorced fathers during the post-divorce process will be discussed. Then, the problems experienced by men without children will be the subject. Afterward, a comparison will be made with women in this situation. In another comparison, the psychology and health of undivorced men and divorced men will be compared. According to research, divorced men have problems with their children. In addition, there are states of not feeling well mentally; such as loneliness, feeling unwell, and feelings of inadequacy. Also, divorced men face economic problems.
Divorced Man; Post-Divorce; the Divorced Woman; Challenges of Divorced Fathers; Comparison of Divorced Man and Woman