Current Trends in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials ISSN: 2642-0848
Review Article
Insight on the Outbreak of Lassa Fever Amidst Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
Published: 2021-11-22


Lassa fever virus (LASV) is seen mainly in some regions of West Africa, however, this disease has been reported in some other countries from travelers coming from endemic regions. Lassa virus is transmitted to human by infected multi-mammate rats, the Mastomys natalensis; humans often contact the Lassa virus through direct contact with household items or eating food contaminated with urine or faeces of infected Mastomys rats. Nosocomial, hospital-acquired transmission from person to person have also been reported, and occur when appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is not worn by health care providers managing Lassa fever cases, just like in COVID-19 management. Lassa fever is highly contagious, however, the mode of transmission of LASV differs from COVID-19 which is a respiratory disease. Lassa fever has potential of wreaking havoc in any Country because it is highly contagious, causing more fatality in pregnant women. Coronavirus disease on the other hand (COVID-19) has been recently declared a pandemic and has caused deaths in thousands of people around the world and has also caused morbidity in millions of people globally. Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 period, West Africa, Nigeria particularly which is the origin of LASV also suffers from the outbreak of Lassa fever. Managing both viral outbreaks could be very strenuous and precarious at the same time. Consequently, this work reviews the recent outbreaks of Lassa fever in this COVID-19 pandemic. Recent update on COVID-19 would be explored; furthermore, Lassa fever disease would be explored with insight on the management of LASV.


Coronaviruses; Lassa fever; Mastomys Natalensis; Ribavirin; Vaccines