The green building can be classified as economical building which deals with ecological issues within or outside the building premises. These natural issues incorporate effectiveness ventures to spare vitality, water protection and decrease in water utilization, indoor air quality, building air ventilation and light, diminishment of contaminations, better wellbeing, and reduction in heat island and albedo impacts. The urban communities confronting natural issues have begun receiving green building ideas as a stage towards environmental protection. The authors of the present paper have briefly dealt the significance of green buildings structures alongside the expected steps to be taken in creating green structures and the subsequent advantages there from. An effort has also been made in the present paper about green roof, green walls, natural air ventilation, and transformation of waste to value added products, solar panels, etc. to make the green building eco-friendly and environmentally compatible. An emphasis has also been made to assess the impacts of green buildings on urban environment
Green Buildings; Sustainable Buildings; Energy Saving; Environment; Natural Air Ventilation; Green Roofs and Walls; Waste to Value Added Products