The transmission of COVID-19 among health personnel was a significant problem occurring around the world. The study’s purpose was to explain the risk factors for transmission and prevention of transmission of COVID-19 to health workers.
Methods: A literature review searched four databases (Scopus, Science Direct, Proquest, and PubMed) searches were conducted in July and August 2020. The Prisma checklist guided this review. Data tabulation and narrative analysis of the study was performed. Title, abstract, full text, and methodology were assessed for the eligibility of the studies.
Results: We found seventeen studies that matched the research criteria. The study was divided into two themes, namely risk factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers (n=8) and prevention of transmission (n=3) and the study of both (n=6). Risk factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers included age, improper hand washing, comorbidities, lack of sleep quality, lack of knowledge and training, work stress, close contact or exposure to positive COVID-19 patients, lack of PPE, workload, climate, temperature, and humidity. Whereas ways to prevent are keeping hand hygiene, physical distancing, using PPE, traffic control bundling, adhering to standard precautions, providing education and training, changing hospitals or health facilities operations, and conducting rapid tests and PCR tests to all staff and patients.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that there are 9 risk factors for transmitting COVID-19 to health workers, and 6 ways to prevent transmission of COVID-19 to health workers.
COVID-19; Risk Factors; the Factor of Transmission; Prevention; Health Worker; Literature Review