Solid Waste Management is a major problem that world faces, where urbanization, industrialization and economic growth have resulted in increased municipal solid waste generation per person. Waste generation, its quantity & composition is essential for determining collection, processing & disposal options is to be adopted and it is dependent on population, local economy, life styles, income levels etc. Due to the increasing population and prosperity, the generation rate of municipal solid waste (MSW) has increased significantly, resulting in serious problems on public health and the environment. Every single person in the world is affected by the municipal solid waste management (MSWM) issue. MSWM is reaching a critical level in almost all areas of the world and seeking the development of MSW strategies for a sustainable environment. It is observed that there are lack of appropriate skills, technological competencies and the lack of financial resources in India This paper basically has the objective to have sustainable solid waste management, so accordingly estimations are being made which projects the waste generation per capita per day in next 30 years in Gurgaon in the form of bio-degradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable wastes and how these wastes can be treated in the form of compost, biofuel, fuel pallets and generating power from the waste, then the economy value has been generated in order to see which method of treatment is more suitable for the sustainable solid waste management in the city. It provides an overview of solid waste management in Global, India and Gurgaon and how we can overcome the situation by proposing sustainable SWM in the state
Sustainable Solid Waste Management; Environmental Degradation; Resource Consumption; Bio-degradable waste; Degradable Waste; Recycle Waste; Reuse; Resource Decoupling; Compost; Biofuel; Fuel Pellets; Power