Journal of Ocular Sciences and Ophthalmology ISSN: 2998-1476
Research Article
Ocular Trauma in Indian Females
Published: 2021-07-15


Although there is not much difference in the structure and function of male or female eye balls we do find some difference in the two sexes particularly in India where still there is difference in the nature of work in men and women especially in the middle class. The females usually live a protected life in homes and does not much indulge in physical assault, strenuous games and many other outdoor activities like driving and swimming. Thus all authors have found much higher incidence of eye injuries in females ranging from 2 to 6 times. However there other many indoor activities also which expose women to eye injuries like cooking, stitching and nail injuries from young children. While feeding injuries from blouse hook is also reported. A detailed analysis on the basis of residence, occupation, age and season has been done in the present paper.


Ocular Injuries; Studies Incidence