Organic agriculture is claimed to be the most sustainable approach in food production. It emphasizes recycling techniques and low external input and high external strategies. It relies not only on the fertilizers of organic origin, such as compost, manure, green manure, and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting but also seeds sown through the organic farming. By sequestering carbon dioxide in the soil, agriculture may contribute to the carbon cycle in a positive way. Agriculture has the potential to be a considerable CO2 sink, if good practices, like organic farming, are employed. Organic agriculture offers a unique combination of environmentally-sound practices with low external inputs while contributing to food availability. The potential of organic agriculture to mitigate climate change is mostly claimed on the basis of assumptions concerning the soil carbon sequestration potential of organic management..Organic farmers could be amplifying their positive climate impact by adopting the best agricultural practices to boost carbon sequestration.
Carbon Sequestration; Organic Agriculture; Low External Inputs; Soil Fertility; Carbon Sink