Background: management of gastroschisis patients is still a challenge in our community due to relative delay in presentation of cases to our hospitals that leads to delay of operation timing, limited facilities in our locality and high rate of infection. The aim of the work is to compare outcome of gastroschisis cases after skin flap coverage versus placement of an alternative silo bag (blood bag or sterilized urine collection bag), when unavailable.
Study Design: it is a retrospective study comparing the outcome of operated gastroschisis cases by skin flap coverage versus gradual reduction by an alternative silo bag, when primary closure is difficult, in the period between January 2013 and July 2018 in Zagazig University hospitals.
Results: 35 cases of gastroschisis were presented to our hospital, 15 of them were in-born and 20 were out-born. 20 females and 15 males. Primary closure was done in 5 cases (14.3%), skin flap coverages were created in 21 cases (60%) and coverage with an alternative silo bag with gradual reduction was done in 9 cases (25.7%). Mortality rate was 37.1% (13 cases).
Gastroschisis; Skin flap coverage; Ventral Hernia; Silo and Abdominal wall defects