A 13-year-old boy, a diagnosed case of stage V CKD due to obstructive uropathy secondary to renal stones. He was having severe uremia and Grade 1- 2 hypertension. After left sided pyelolithotomy, Patient received 6 sessions of hemodialysis, he developed headache, vomiting, depressed conscious level and seizures with cortical blindness. Condition recovered completely clinically as well as radiologically. Clinical and CT brain findings confirmed diagnosis of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES syndrome.) This condition is relatively under diagnosed in pediatric population. With newer neuroimaging diagnostic modalities increasing reports on PRES syndrome have been described in pediatric and adult population. High index of suspicion need to be kept in mind as early diagnosis and management can lead to complete neurological recovery.
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; Hypertension; Renal failure