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Dialysis and Transplantation Open Access (DTOA) ISSN: 2689-6028

Dialysis and Transplantation Open Access is the most widely read and highly quality journal in the field. DTOA journal presents investigative studies on critical areas of research and practice, survey articles providing short compendium of the best and most important Dialysis and Transplantation worldwide and practice-oriented reports on significant clinical observations. DTOA encourages all the researchers to publish their original, high-quality works and reviews on all aspects of dialysis research including Chronic Renal Failure, Hemodialysis, Renal Transplantation and Clinical Dialysis.

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Cold Storage for Renal Graft Preservation at the Start of Machine Perfusion Era: Retrospective Analysis in our Series

Doménech P*, Muñoz C, Colombás J, Gutiérrez C, Chiva S, García Á, Ancizu FJ, Barbas G, Torres M, Andrés G, Ramón de Fata F, Villacampa F, Rosell D, Diez-Caballero FJ, Miñana B, Pascual JI and Robles JE
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