Dialysis and Transplantation Open Access ISSN: 2689-6028
Research Article
Mortality among Chronic Kidney Failure Patients Who Have died in Last 2 years and the Correlation with Erythropoietin and /or Blood Transfusion as an Anemia Therapy in Jakarta, Indonesia’s
Published: 2019-10-17


Anemia occurs in 80-90% of patients with chronic renal failure. Anemia is a complication of chronic kidney failure that often occurs in almost all patients with chronic kidney failure, it can even occur earlier than other complications of chronic kidney failure. Blood transfusion is one alternative, inexpensive, and effective treatment option for treating anemia in patients with kidney failure. In addition to blood transfusion, Erithropoietin can also be used as an alternative therapy to treat anemia in patients with chronic renal failure. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, survival analysis, the relationship of therapy to anemia with hemoglobin levels and the description of the cost of therapy in patients with chronic renal failure who received Erythropoietin therapy, blood transfusion, and a combination of both at the Jakarta Islamic Hospital Cempaka Putih.

This study is an analytical study, sampling was done retrospectively with the universal sampling method of medical records of patients with a primary diagnosis of chronic renal failure undergoing hospitalization and having undergone hemodialysis at Jakarta Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital for the period of January 1, 2016 until December 31, 2017. Analysis The data in this study used data processing software SPPS 22. The results showed that Vulnerable age 46-65 (54%) and male patients (56%) contributed to giving the largest presentation for this study sample. Companion of hypertension (86%) and diabetes mellitus (66%) also contributed the largest presentation in this study sample. Anemic patients with chronic tingling failure who received combination therapy between Erythropoietin and blood transfusions had a higher survival rate compared to patients who received Erythropoietin therapy or blood transfusions. Paired Sample T-Test results showed no significant difference between the first HB level and HB died in the Eritropoietin therapy group, blood transfusion, and folic acid therapy (P value> 0.05), while in the combined therapy group between Eritropoietin and blood transfusion shows a significant relationship with a P value of 0.030. In this study the largest survival analysis was shown in hemodialysis patients using erythropoietin compared to patients who only used blood transfusions and the highest cost incurred by patients was the combined cost of therapy between Eritropoietin and blood transfusion, which was in the range of 1,001,121.03 - 31,120,525.54 rupiahs and with an average cost of 6,890,484.23 rupiahs.


Chronic Kidney Failure; Blood Transfusion; Erythropoietin; Anemia