Crisis management in this context is the ability for students to solve problems and take care of them, especially situations that affect their academic achievement. These are actions that are taken to deal with difficult situations in an organized way. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between crisis management and academic achievement of at-risk students. Using the survey design, a triangulation method of data collection was used. The study had a sample size of 196 participants distributed as: 113 students filled the questionnaire, 53 students interviewed and 30 teachers for the focus group discussion. Looking at the findings, it was realized that managing crisis fostered the academic achievement of at-risk students. Hence the Binary logistic regression model explained by the components of crisis management was significant as P=0.002. This implies that the effect of managing crisis impact more on the academic achievement of at-risk students. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between crisis management and academic achievement of at-risk students. As a result, at-risk students were highly flexible and their flexibility/social competence was positively related to their performance and academic achievements. Thus parents, stakeholders and the government should seek to create warmth, security, peace and supportive school environment for students to associate with their peers. This will enhance social competence, problem solving skills, sense of purpose and create prospects for all students to strive and achieve especially in our African society.
Crisis management; Academic achievement; Students; Security; Peace; Supportive