Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Mini Review
Traditional Education and Behavior of Bamileke Women of Cameroon
Published: 2019-07-29


Today with the education girls receive in schools, they learn to trust laws implemented in the country. And their environment is enlarge to the whole country. They can talk about love, talk about pleasure, and even about the sexual identity, for those who live in towns. For those who are still in the village, even if they are going to school, the traditional education is still strong and also poverty condition them to stay close and attached to the tradition. Talking about Bamileke girls or women of Cameroon, they are well known and appreciated specially for their behaviour which is the consequence of a mixage of traditional education and “modern” one, with a strong influence of the traditional one. The traditional education she received, in contrary of the “modern one”, prepare her from her young age to get married and assume the roles of mother and spouse. This paper questions this traditional education, the consequences on the behavior of bamileke girls and the dangers of such education. as far as marriage is concern.


Traditional education; Bamileke; Girls; Marriage