Current Trends in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials ISSN: 2642-0848
Mini Review
An Overview of the Nanoparticles in CNS Targeted Drug Delivery: An Emerging Trend
Published: 2019-05-17


CNS disorders are growing to be the main concern for the new era of medical industry and the healthcare professionals.

There is an increase in the number of patients suffering from CNS disorders day by day. Keeping this data into concern,

the main pressure comes over to the medication of the increasing number of the patient compliance for the treatment of

the specific CNS disorder. The main basic challenge while treating the specific CNS disorder is the crossing of the drug

through the blood–brain barrier (BBB) in an adequate manner and a specific site of action. If the drug crosses the BBB

barrier, challenges still standby like, is the drug in the adequate amount to trigger the agonist or the antagonist for the

specific disorder. Keeping all these things in mind, this article takes you through the targeted methods of drug delivery

with the help of the nanoparticles in consideration to the BBB factors.


Nanoparticles; CNS disorders; Blood–brain barrier; Agonist; Antagonist