Current Trends in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials ISSN: 2642-0848
Research Article
Pharmacovigilance: Knowledge Attitude and Practice within the Public Health actors in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Published: 2019-04-30


The drug discovery and development processes is designed to ensure that medicines have the right quality, are safe and efficacious. However, the number of patients who are exposed to drugs at approval is only a fraction of the target final patient population. Therefore, understanding the safety of medicines can only be finally achieved after the drug is on the market through post marketing surveillance or pharmacovigilance (PHV). Pharmacovigilance is defined by WHO as “the science and activities related to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse drug effects or any other possible drug-related problems”. Health professionals, patients, drug manufacturers and drug regulatory authorities are therefore highly involved in the practice of PHV. Cameroon imports 95 % of drugs and health care products. Therefore, an effective understanding of the knowledge, attitude and practice of PHV could help to elaborate the development of the PHV and adverse drug monitoring systems in Cameroon.


Adverse drug reactions, knowledge, attitude, practice, Health Professional, Pharmacy personnel, Hospital personnel, Pharmaceutical company representative office