Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Research Article
Innovative PsyD Training: The Development of an Alumni Mentorship Program
Published: 2019-04-30


This article describes the development and implementation of a unique mentorship approach in a professional psychology program. Graduate students enrolled in the first two years were offered the opportunity to have an alumni mentor for at least 6 months. Mentors were recruited from our pool of approximately 300 graduates of the PsyD clinical program. The description includes demographics about the 75 mentorship dyads successfully created over the first 5 years of the program and details about the mentorship orientation and matching processes. Data from the MRI (Mentor Role Instrument) for all participants are discussed as pertaining to the match in desired mentorship roles of the dyad participants. Successful outcomes are described, as are issues of feasibility, sustainability and generalizability of a program that requires few resources and is mutually satisfying for all participants.


Doctoral training; Alumni; Clinical psychology; Mentor role instrument