Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Review Article
Resiliency and Doctoral Student Attrition in Counselor Education
Published: 2019-04-27


Every student’s experience in a doctoral program is unique. However, there are some common factors that contribute to student attrition. Approximately half of all doctoral students complete their degrees and underprivileged populations face even more challenges that contribute to attrition. Students in counselor education programs face similar factors that contribute to student attrition as students in other fields. Such factors include organizational elements like the advisor relationship and personal elements like balancing family responsibilities. This manuscript addresses the barriers to program completion and explores resiliency as a meaningful strategy for student success through the doctoral program. Implications for counselor education are discussed and suggestions are provided to enhance resiliency in doctoral counselor education students.


Counselor education; Doctoral student; Attrition; Resiliency