Darjeeling Himalaya is the northernmost part of West Bengal occupies a distinctive position in the floristic map of India since the region is estimated to contribute one-seventh of flora of the country and being a part of Eastern Himalaya, occupies a significant place in the map of biodiversity. The present paper includes a total of 321 species under 86 genera to the family Orchidaceae from Darjeeling Himalaya of West Bengal, India. Out of these, 2 species with 2 genera are saprophytic, 100 species with 34 genera are terrestrial and the rest 219 species with 52 genera are epiphytic. Current nomenclature with author citation, habitat, exact field status and local distribution within Darjeeling Himalaya has been provided.
Orchid species; Exact field status; Habitat; Local distribution; Darjeeling Himalaya; India