A heat tolerant rice cultivar OUAT Kalinga Rice 8 (Suryashree) was released in Odisha for cultivation in Rabi in irrigated medium land situations by the State Sub-Committee on Crop Standards, Notification and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops, Government of Odisha, Bhubaneswar in its meeting held on 12.04.2023 and approved for notification by Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture and Framers Welfare on its meeting held on 02.05.2023 and notified on 25.09.2023 in the Gazette of India. It can tolerate heat stress above 38oC, matures in 125 days, yields 4276 kg seed per hectare under rabi condition (Dalua situation) and has resistance to gall midge. It has yield advantage of 18.98 per cent, 18.54 per cent and 12.12 per cent over national check ‘Gontra bidhan-3’, zonal check ‘Mandakini’ and local check ‘Lalat’, respectively
Heat-Tolerance; Rice; Suryashree; Variety Release