The primary source of variation between genotypes evaluated across different environments is Genotype by Environment GXE interaction. Not all genotypes interact equally with the environment. Multi Environment Trial (MET) data are required, for estimating genetic variance, phenotypic variance, and heritability. A total of ninety bread wheat genotypes including eighty-eight genotypes from the national wheat breeding pipelines and two bread wheat released varieties namely, Lemu and Wane fixed as, the National Variety Trial for mid to high-altitude and evaluated across eleven locations in 2020 and 2021, main cropping season. The experimental design was a Row-Column design with two replications across all locations in both years. The plots comprise six rows of 1.2m width by 2.5m length. The space between plots and between columns was 0.2m and 1m respectively. The study showed the heritability for grain yield across the environments ranges from 56.21 for 20BWNL1AA to 99.95 for 20BWNL1DZ. Among tested genotypes, EBW192346 and EBW192347 have both resistance to moderate resistance for yellow and stem rust diseases and are stable. Developing and releasing stable and wheat-rust disease-resistant bread wheat varieties for wheat society increases productivity and wheat production. Thus, the above genotypes are proposed for release.
GXE; MET; Heritability; Stable; Yellow Rust; Stem Rust