Advances in Agricultural Technology & Plant Sciences ISSN: 2640-6586
Research Article
Stem Rust Disease Effect on Grain Yield, Yield Components, and Quality Parameters in Bead Wheat Lines at Lowland Areas
Published: 2024-09-23


Stem rust attacks the above-ground part of the plant, such as the stem, leaf, and inflorescence. Moreover, it affects crop vigour and yields, and depending on its reaction and severity on susceptible variety may partially or completely shrivels the grain, thereby reducing the quality of the grain. Fifty bread wheat genotypes were planted in alpha lattice design with two replications at Melkasa as the 20th High-Temperature Wheat Yield Trial (20HTWYT) in 2022 main cropping season. Stem rust score on the field and quality parameters such as GPC = grain protein content, WG = wet gluten content, ZSV = Zeleny sedimentation value, SC = starch content, and MCT=Moisture content measured using Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy technique taken in Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory at Kulumsa. The ANOVA table showed the significant differences among tested genotypes for all traits except for stem rust diseases and moisture content.Also, the protein content of the genotypes in the study ranges from 14.45 for EBW222090 to 18.05 for EBW222062, and the moisture content of the genotypes in the study ranges from 11.5% to 12.35%. In the study genotypes, the lowest starch content, 61.45%, was gained on genotype EBW222062, and the highest starch content, 67.25%, was recorded on genotype EBW222078. Most of the genotypes in the study had around 65% starch in the grain. Which fall to the bottom values of the range in the starch content in the wheat grain, 60% to 75%. It was probably due to the wheat stem rust diseases that affected the trial during the grain-filling period.


Stem Rust; Protein; Starch; Moisture; NIR; Genotypes