Open Access Journal of Animal & Plant Husbandry ISSN: 3065-694X
Research Article
Evaluation of Physicochemical Property of Wine Developed from Papaya Fruit
Published: 2024-09-15


Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits in Ethiopia. Increased production has been observed over years paralleled by large postharvest losses which are partly attributed to poor value addition practices. Commonly wine is produced from grapes and, it can also produce from other fruit. The purpose of this study will be to provide an alternative for reducing the level of postharvest losses in papaya by producing papaya wine. Wines are unprocessed alcoholic alimentary beverages typically made from fruits such as grapes, banana, peaches, etc. The pawpaw fruits was collected in a clean sterile basin, washed with water containing sodium metabisulphate (0.3 g/L), Peele, remove seeds and pulverize using sterile Philip electric blender with the addition of water. Physicochemical parameters such as pH, total soluble solid, titratable acidity, specific gravity and alcohol content were determined. The result found was 2.697 ± 0.641 pH, 23.33±0.61 TSS, 1.148 ± 0.0034 TTA, and 13.291 ± 0.0 ABV. The pH of different fruit wines will be different. Acidity has a crucial role in dictating the quality of the wine by regulating fermentation, improving the balance and overall characteristic traits of wine. The absence of acidity will certainly diminish the fermentation and will lead to a poor product. Choose ripe and highquality papaya is crucial for quality wine production process. The different parameters analyzed in the present study will help to produce good quality wine and, to ensure its consistency therefore, it is expected that by using these parameters, the quality of wine can be improved during large-scale production. By monitoring and optimizing these parameters throughout the production process, producers can ensure the papaya wine meets quality standards and is safe for consumption. The research suggests that other tropical fruits could also be used to produce high-quality wine with potential for commercial success.


Grape; Papaya; Physicochemical; Sensory; Wine