Clinical Neuroscience & Neurological Research International Journal ISSN: 2689-6001
Research Article
Clinico-Demographic Profile of Patients with Migraine Presenting to a Tertiary Care Hospital in North-East Rajasthan
Published: 2024-09-04


Introduction: The global prevalence of active headache disorders is around 52% with a slight female preponderance (44.4% in males VS 57.8% in females). Migraine is one of the primary headache disorders with an overall prevalence is 30% out of total headache disorders as reported in GBD study.

Methods: Cross-sectional hospital-based study conducted in the Department of Neurology of tertiary care teaching hospital of Rajasthan. 132 patients were enrolled in the study by simple random sampling. Study was conducted over a period of April 2022- April 2023. ICHD criteria was used to identify and classify migraine and Perceived Stress Scale was used to assess impact of migraine.
Results: 107 (81.1%) were males, whereas 25 (18.9%) were females. The mean age of patients was 30.28 ± 9.9 years. Maximum patients were housewives constituting 47.7% followed by students 25% which formed maximum proportion of patients whereas rest of patients were skilled, semiskilled or unskilled working personnel. 118 patients (89.4%) had no prior comorbidities. Amongst all, mean working hours per day were 6.7 ± 2.47 hrs. 44 (33.3%) patients reported low, 38 (28.8%) moderate and 12 (9.1%) high perceived stress on Perceived Stress Scale. Out of total studied patients 94 patients who reported stress, 77 were able to manage their stress well using various methods. Average sleeping hours were 6.7 ± 2.0 hrs per day. Migraine without aura or classical migraine constituted maximum numberof the patients (52.27%) followed by chronic migraine (19.69%). No cases of retinal migraine, hemiplegic migraine were found.
Conclusion: Migraine is common neurological disorder with a wide spectrum of manifestation extending from mental, social and physical. While evaluating the patients with migraine optimum and significant focus should be kept on type of migraine, factors contributing to triggers and chronicity.


Headache Disorders; Intracranial Neoplasms; Migraine; Hemiplegic Migraine