Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal ISSN: 2642-0147
Research Article
Nutritional Considerations for a NASH Related “Chronic Liver Disease Patient”- A Case Report
Published: 2024-09-03


This report discusses the nutritional considerations and management of a chronic liver disease patient (Non-Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis) and the role of nurses to look after the specific dietary requirements while providing care to the patient. It focuses on nursing care with emphasis on dietary considerations which were followed for the patient for duration of one week (9.10.23 to 13.10.23) when he was hospitalized at a tertiary Care Super specialty Liver hospital. During the patient evaluation and diagnosis, the high scores of prognostic markers as CTP & MELD suggested that this patient had undergone extensive liver damage. Protein Calorie malnutrition is common to all forms of Chronic Liver disease. Early identification and management of the micro and macro nutrients deficiency is to be done to reduce complications. Hence, dietary management is one of the significant areas to be closely monitored and managed to aid in recovery and management of the liver damage and in improving general wellbeing of the patient.


Nutritional Needs; Chronic Liver Damage; Hepatitis B; MELD; CTP; NASH