Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal ISSN: 2642-0147
Research Article
A Study to Asess the Knowledge and Attitude on Covid- 19 Vaccination among Adults of Selected Urban Slums and Urban Non- Slums Areas of Siddhpur City
Published: 2024-08-14


A study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude on covid- 19 vaccination among adults of selected urban slums and urban non- slums areas of siddhpur city. Methodology the research approach used was quantitative approach, design used was descriptive and non-probability convenient sampling technique was used for sample selection. The samples were selected from the selected urban slums and urban non- slums areas of siddhpur city. The samples consisted of 60 working adults who fulfilled criteria set by the investigator. A structured questionnaire was prepared to assess knowledge and structured attitude scale prepared to assess the attitude regarding covid-19 vaccination. Result relevant that Paired t-test was used to test the knowledge. majority 20 (66.7%) samples had poor knowledge, 10 (33.3%) samples had average knowledge and 00(00%) had good knowledge regarding covid 19 vaccination. Whereas in non-slum urban adult’s majority 16(53.3%) had average knowledge, 14(47.7%) had good knowledge and 0(0%) had poor knowledge level regarding COVID 19 vaccination. 17(56.7%) participants have favorable attitude 13(43.3%) have unfavorable attitude from slum urban and 25(83.3%) participants have favorable attitude 5(16.7%) have unfavorable attitude in non-slum urban towered covid 19 vaccination. Discussion: The results of the current study show that adults don’t have up to mark knowledge regarding covid- 19 vaccination.


Assess; Knowledge; attitude; Working Adults; Covid-19 vaccination