Journal of Ocular Sciences and Ophthalmology ISSN: 2998-1476
Research Article
A Comprehensive Clinical Description of Patients with Retino- Choroidal Coloboma, Presenting to a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Published: 2024-08-28


Introduction and Objectives: Typical Retinochoroidal [RC] coloboma is caused by a defective closure of the embryonic Fissure and can have varying presentations, differing from person-to-person and eye-to-eye. This study aims to identify the demographic and clinical profile of patients with RC coloboma presenting to a tertiary care teaching hospital in rural Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Methodology: A retrospective cross sectional study, conducted between 26th April 2022 and 3rd May 2023, wherein the data was collected from the electronic medical record of registered patients presenting to the Vitreo-retinal OPD of Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Sitapur. Results: A total of 509 patients were included in the study. The mean age of presentation was 24.73 years, with almost equal. Out of the total patients, 256 patients (50.29%) had bilateral RC coloboma, while 253 patients (49.70%) had unilateral. The mean vision was 0.85 and 0.98 log MAR in right and left eye respectively. Both, the disc and macula, were involved in 65.61% patients, only macula was involved in 1.76% patients and only the optic disc was involved in 2.36% patients. In 154 patients (30.25%), both the optic disc and macula were spared. Other pathologies accompanying RC Coloboma were retinal detachment (16.90%), bilateral cataract (2.75%), unilateral cataract (17.09%), phthisical globe (2.94%), nystagmus (1.77%), anophthalmos (3.14%) etc. Conclusion: Retinochoroidal coloboma has a wide spectrum of presentation. The visual compromise can be due to the coloboma itself or due to its complications. A better understanding of the presentation would help in a superior management with promising results.


Retinochoroidal Coloboma; Coloboma; Iris Coloboma; RC Coloboma