Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Review Article
Finding the Mind’s Home: A Scientific Discovery
Published: 2024-07-26


Mind is always a topic of discussion and debate. The core unit of psychology is behavior but still the word psyche insist us to discover the mind. Many have tried to discover the mind as part of that Marvin Minsky said that “the mind is what the brain does.” Yet the mind was considered as the colloquial language of the brain, it should be the fundamental aspect of the existence of the human mind in the body. But this paper reveals the hidden things related to the mind. Mind is not the colloquial language of the brain. Both are different entities. Thus it questioning about the schools of thought in psychology.


Mind; Brain; Schools of Thought; Structuralism; Functionalism; Gestalt; Behaviorism; Humanistic