Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Research Article
Cancer and Emotional Well-Being: Examining the Role of Family Support
Published: 2024-07-26


A cancer diagnosis is a drastically different life experience that has significant emotional ramifications. In order to better understand the emotional health of people traversing the complex terrain of cancer, this research explores the important but little-studied area of family support. Investigating the complex link between family support and cancer patients’ psychological resilience in-depth is the main goal of this study. Through the synthesis of extant research, this study clarifies the many aspects of family support, which include emotional support, caring, and the existence of a strong support system. The study results highlight the important role of family support in helping cancer patients cope with anxiety, improve their quality of life, and strengthen their coping skills. It also addresses issues that can come up considering the emotional complexity of cancer by examining the intricate interactions within family relations. The study’s findings highlight the vital role that family support plays in fostering cancer patients’ mental health. It emphasizes the necessity for specialized support networks that serve patients’ family as well as themselves, providing priceless insights for healthcare professionals, careers, and legislators. Ultimately, all cancer patients benefit from this comprehensive approach by experiencing better emotional and quality of life outcomes.


Cancer; Emotional Well-being; Family Support; Role of Family